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 The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY

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6 participants
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:23

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0410
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0411
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0413
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0415
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0414
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:27

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY 115
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY 216
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0448
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0447
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0517
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0518
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0520
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0519
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:29

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0529
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0532
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0534
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0530
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0531
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0539
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0537
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0536
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0538
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:30

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0541
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0540
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0543
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0545
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0544
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0542
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0546
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0548
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0550
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0547
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0549
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:31

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0555
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0552
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0556
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0554
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0551
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0553
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0557
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0558
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0559
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0561
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0560
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0562
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0563
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0564
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0565
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0566
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:35

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0567
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0568
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0570
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0571
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0569
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0572
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0574
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0573
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0576
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0577
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0578
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0580
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0579
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyJeu 11 Mai 2017 - 21:37

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0582
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0583
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0581
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0656
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0654
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0655
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0657
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0660
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0659
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0658
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0661
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0662
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0663
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0664
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyVen 12 Mai 2017 - 13:16

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0666
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0669
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0665
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0667
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0668
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0670
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0671
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0672
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0673
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0675
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0674
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0676
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0677
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyVen 12 Mai 2017 - 13:21

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0131
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0128
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0130
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0132
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0137
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0133
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0135
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0136
The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0134
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptySam 13 Mai 2017 - 22:23

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0141

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0138

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0140

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0143

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0142

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0139

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0144

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0145

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0148

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0146

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0147
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Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptySam 13 Mai 2017 - 22:25

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0150

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0152

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0153

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0154

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0151

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0149

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0155

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0156
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptySam 13 Mai 2017 - 22:30

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0159

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0160

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0162

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0211

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0212

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0215

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0216

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0213
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMar 16 Mai 2017 - 7:54

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0227

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0225

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0226

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0228

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0229

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0230

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0231

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0232

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0234

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0233

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0235
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMar 16 Mai 2017 - 7:56

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0240

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0236

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0237

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0239

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0238

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0241

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0242

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0244

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0243

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0245

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0246

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0248

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0247

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0249
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMar 16 Mai 2017 - 7:58

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0253

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0254

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0252

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0255

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0251

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0250

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0256

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0258

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0257

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0259

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0260

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0261

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0262

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0164

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0163
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMar 16 Mai 2017 - 8:01

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0165

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0166

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0450

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0451

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0452

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0449

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0453

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0455

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0454

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0456

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0457

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0458

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0459

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0461

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0460
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMar 16 Mai 2017 - 8:02

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0463

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0462

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0466

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0465

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0464
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Nombre de messages : 1900
Age : 55
Localisation : Marseille
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2006

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMar 16 Mai 2017 - 22:17

Superbe photos , merci pour le partage Michel sourire sourire
J'aime bien la composition sur roche

C'est quoi comme arbre la deuxième photo de ton 8° post , un magnolia ?
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 6:56

Dans un temple, non loin de là ...

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0016

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0015

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0013

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0017

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0014
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 6:57

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0020

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0019

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0018

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0167

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0171

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0168

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0172

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0169

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0170
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 6:59

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0175

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0174

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0177

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0176

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0173

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0178

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0179

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0183

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0182

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0180

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0184

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0181

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0185

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0186
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 7:01

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0188

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0192

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0189

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0191

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0187

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0190

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0193

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0194

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0197

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0196

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0195
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 7:03

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0202

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0201

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0200

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0205

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Dsc_0204
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Nombre de messages : 1838
Age : 76
Localisation : Ardennes
Date d'inscription : 17/03/2007

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 7:14

Que des merveilles clapo

Merci du partage Toche
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verte frondaison

Nombre de messages : 1907
Age : 68
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2004

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY EmptyMer 17 Mai 2017 - 7:18

De rien valeureux Liégeois. sourire
Le suite... demain. Wink

Bonne journée.

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Contenu sponsorisé

The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY   The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY Empty

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The 8th World Bonsai Convention, SAITAMA CITY
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